How To Quiet A Portable Generator?

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How To Quiet A Portable Generator

How To Quiet A Portable Generator

The noise of a generator can be the real buzz everyone wants to avoid and this is particularly more so for your neighbors than for your own self. This is because generators are most commonly placed on patios, lawns, or other outdoor settings close to the boundary wall and thus making it easier for neighbors to stay alert to the annoying buzz of a generator running next door.

No matter if you are considering your neighbors or have your own concerns, reducing the noise level of any generator is an essential task that everyone wants to get done but not everyone is sure about how to get it done. So, we are here again to help you resolve any issue with your generator and have it running effectively and efficiently year long and over the years.

In this article, we are going to give you the 5 best tips for reducing the sound produced by a generator’s engine and making t quiet. But before getting started with that you must know what are the causes leading to an increased sound by the generator engine.

What Causes Generators To Be Loud?

Generators are running on electric engines that are motorized gadgets and thus it is doomed to produce sound as the by-product of the reactions operating the generators’ engine. Engines produce energy for powering electrical appliances and this energy is not the sole product of combustion reactions. The sound produced varies depending on the engine’s efficiency, its noise level, and the fuel being used.

The common generators in the market are all based on the principle of converting mechanical energy into electrical while the latest ones are now using electromagnetic induction to use battery-driven power for running household appliances without grid power. No matter which type of engine you are using or which fuel you are using the generator will produce sound and the sources of this noise (sound) can be traced back to two sources.


The engine is the primary culprit for creating the buzz and this is true for all types of generators be it portable or heavy-duty commercial products. The engine will convert energy using the fuel in the tank and the two power pistons of the engine are connected to the alternator of the generator to keep driving power from these energy conversions. The waste product of these reactions is kinetic energy that is passed out in form of vibrations and these passing generations will create the sound.

For this reason engines with high power produce more noise because the energy conversions’ are relatively larger with increased waste and thus increased noise.


The exhaust pipe of the generator is meant to release the gasses but gases are not the only thing produced by the generator. These passing gases will hit the exhaust pipeline and create popping or sputtering sounds. These popping sounds will give the impression of noise. This type of sound is airborne sound like the sound of powerful wind gusts across you.

How To Quiet A Portable Generator?

Now, that you are aware of the sources of noise and the underlying processes that cause those sounds, you must be anxious about finding ways to get it lowered. Given below are the 5 tips for effectively reducing the generator noise and leading it to a quieter operation.

Get A New Muffler:

Mufflers are commonly referred to the silencer mufflers and these smart tools are built for the whole purpose of making your generator quieter. You can use a silencer to lower the sound level or get it restricted in a soundproof box. The mufflers are coming built-in with the generator but you can use a better and more refined one to have the highest degree of noise control over your generator’s engine.

How a muffler reduces the sound might be an intriguing thing for you. So, let’s enlighten you with some underlying science of this concept. Mufflers include many tiny holes and bents that are designed to sharply reduce the pressure of the air passing through them. The reduced pressure will be a prominent cause of reduced noise produced by the engine exhaust pipe.

Place It Away From You:

If you don’t want to use any additional product and want to have a solution only within your product package of the generator then you should try changing the location of your generator. For optimum results, you should keep it in a place that is further away from you so that you won’t listen to its annoying sound.

Use A Water Muffler:

If your generator is giving out too much noise then a temporary water muffler may be the best solution. The water muffler works by directing the exhaust in a water bucket placed close to the generator. The kinetic vibrations responsible for the sound will be absorbed by the water and thus your generator’s sound level will have gone unscathed again.

Redirect The Engine Exhaust Pipe Away From The House Interior:

If you don’t have a muffler and still want to reduce the noise by making use of the exhaust pipe then you can try placing it away from you. The exhaust pipe can be put in a place that is not directed toward the living room and is further away from the interior house.

Use Rubber Feet:

If you are fond of something like water mufflers but don’t want to use this traditional method and more so for safety reasons then you can try using the rubber feet. Rubber feet will absorb the vibrations and less sound will be produced.

Conclusion How To Quiet A Portable Generator?:

The generator noise can be misleading and disturbing for the people close to it. The engine and exhaust pipe of the generator are major causes of this noise and to reduce the noise level putting the generator further away from you is the best solution. But for better results, you can either use a simple or water muffler. Also, the rubber feet and exhaust pipe direction can be better handled for making the engine quieter.

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